Carolyn Crafer acupuncture in Canterbury
Carolyn Crafer acupuncture in Canterbury
Carolyn Crafer Acupuncture
Carolyn Crafer Acupuncture

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are increasingly common in our troubled times.  They can manifest in so many ways: panic attacks, difficulty breathing, sleep problems, fatigue, chest pains and high blood pressure, indigestion and heartburn, and many others.


Acupuncture is scientifically proven to be excellent at calming the nervous system and relaxing the body and mind.  It stimulates the body's natural feel-good hormones, and reduces the level of stress hormones, such as cortisol.  And it does not carry the risk of side effects of medication. 


Using a potent combination of acupuncture, massage and Reiki, positive changes to both mind, body and spirit can be brought about in a safe and healing way.


I can also offer advice on relaxation, meditation and exercise, and if necessary liaise with other health professionals, ie for CBT or counselling.


Acupuncture can be a wonderful first step in taking control of anxiety, or an amazing addition to a range of different therapies.



Contact me

You can reach me on:

07866 756471


Carolyn Crafer Acupuncture

43 Orchard Street




Also at:  

Littlebourne Surgery

Court Hill



Eucalyptus Clinic,

Hawley Street, Margate,



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