Carolyn Crafer acupuncture in Canterbury
Carolyn Crafer acupuncture in Canterbury
Carolyn Crafer Acupuncture
Carolyn Crafer Acupuncture

Acupuncture is now widely accepted to help dramatically in many types of muscular-skeletal problems.  It reduces inflammation and encourages repair of the soft tissue, whilst also dealing with any underlying weaknesses of the body.  Whether the problem is straightforward wear and tear due to age or overuse, or injury due to sport, pain is usually reduced and recovery assisted.  As a treatment it has been endorsed by NICE, and is frequently recommend by GPs.


Treatment often includes massage and heat therapy as well as needles, and is relaxing and pleasant.  Electroacupuncture is also used in some cases, which is extremely effective. There is now much research proving that acupuncture can make a significant improvement to damaged nerves.

Problems helped include:

  • Frozen shoulder  
  • TMJD                    
  • Arthritis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfers elbow
  • Neck problems
  • Backache
  • Hip pain
  • Sciatica
  • Knee pain

"I approached Carolyn with torn cartilage in my knee, [verified by a MRI scan], which was giving me constant pain, lower back pain which I have had on and off over the years and a shoulder/neck condition, which gives referred pain in my throat. She spent time understanding my conditions and treated each over the course of three treatments. Some six weeks later I no longer have knee pain, the condition will still exist, but I don’t feel any pain. My back pain was removed, albeit likely to arise again in the future and my neck/throat pain lessened to a point where I am not concerned about it. I expect to have occasional treatment to keep things in place. Hopefully by saying exactly what existed and where I am now, shows that I greatly value the care I have received. Carolyn is effective in what she does and operates in a professional and kind way."       Peter Coombs

Contact me

You can reach me on:

07866 756471


Carolyn Crafer Acupuncture

43 Orchard Street

Canterbury,  CT2 8AP


Littlebourne Surgery

Court Hill, Littlebourne



115 High Street, Deal,  CT14 6BB

Eucalyptus Clinic,

Hawley Street, Margate,



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© Carolyn Crafer Acupuncture