Carolyn Crafer acupuncture in Canterbury
Carolyn Crafer acupuncture in Canterbury
Carolyn Crafer Acupuncture
Carolyn Crafer Acupuncture




Acupuncture has a long, well-proven track-record of greatly helping with menstrual/menopausal problems.


Many women will suffer from gynaecological symptoms at some point in their lives, especially with hormones being in a constant state of change from puberty to pregnancy to menopause, but acupuncture treatment can help to restore balance at any stage in a woman's life.


It can help with many issues, including endemetriosis, fibroids, irregular periods, painful or heavy periods, amenorrhea, PCOS and PID and hormone imbalances. 


Acupuncture is also brilliant at relieving the syptoms of menopause, both physical and emotional, including hot flushes, sleep disturbances, mood changes and low mood or anxiety.

Contact me

You can reach me on:

07866 756471


Carolyn Crafer Acupuncture

43 Orchard Street

Canterbury,  CT2 8AP


Littlebourne Surgery

Court Hill, Littlebourne



115 High Street, Deal,  CT14 6BB

Eucalyptus Clinic,

Hawley Street, Margate,



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