Carolyn Crafer acupuncture in Canterbury
Carolyn Crafer acupuncture in Canterbury
Carolyn Crafer Acupuncture
Carolyn Crafer Acupuncture

More and more women are turning to acupuncture to assist them in the fight against ageing.  Not only does acupuncture bring energy and tone to the face, but it also addresses underlying causes for facial concerns.  For example, dark circles under the eyes are a sign of imbalance in the liver energy. 


Following a detailed diagnosis, I use a anaesthetic cream on points to be needled so there is no discomfort.  The whole face is lifted, wrinkles are targeted using tiny needles that promote the production of collagen, eye bags and jowls are reduced, and the face is left glowing.  I will also use body acupuncture to adddress any underlying health issues that may impact the face of skin.


I undertook my cosmetic training at the prestigious Facial Enhance group, (see link below), and therefore can guarantee the most wonderful results for your face!


A course of 6 treatments is recommended for optimum effect, and I can offer a free sixth session if a course is booked.

Contact me

You can reach me on:

07866 756471


Carolyn Crafer Acupuncture

43 Orchard Street

Canterbury,  CT2 8AP


Littlebourne Surgery

Court Hill, Littlebourne



115 High Street, Deal,  CT14 6BB

Eucalyptus Clinic,

Hawley Street, Margate,



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